A Recent Interview on The Equal Yoke Podcast

Last week I had the opportunity to discuss the book and ministry with husband and wife duo Zach and Morgan Hill on The Equal Yoke Podcast, a podcast described as follows:

The Equal Yoke Podcast is a Christian worldview podcast that seeks to promote family theology within the context of an equally yoked marriage, all for the sake of the gospel and great commission. We've got work to do! So, let's plow ahead!

Over an hour, we discussed a wide range of issues related to discipleship in the home, such as teaching Children’s Storybook Bibles, catechism, government education vs. homeschooling, and local pastors, among other topics.

Zach and Morgan are a wonderfully like-minded couple committed not only to the building up of the local church, but also the Christian family. So, as you can imagine, it was a joy and privilege to spend time with them, and I have no doubt that you’d be edified by their podcast!

Listen below:

You can also find the audio for the show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discipleship-in-the-home/id1591320583?i=1000540840237

You can find the rest of the podcast here: https://redcircle.com/shows/the-equal-yoke-podcast

You can follow The Equal Yoke Podcast on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/theequalyoke

InterviewsJosh NiemiComment